BIEMH 2024

BIEMH 2024

03Juni 2024 /
07Juni 2024
Bilbao, Spain
Stand 6 - Halle G14

The event will feature key sectors for the metal industry such as manufacturing and distribution of starting and forming machines, robotics and automation, tools and accessories.

BIEMH is also an unmissable opportunity for the companies focusing on metal processing to discover HSD technologies such as the brand new ES10 Line with ES1000, ES1020 and ES1040 electrospindle models, and ES5 Line electrospindles.

Come to visit us in Hall 6 - Booth G14 along with our dealer Tecnopower.


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Geschäftssitz: Via della Meccanica 16 61122 Pesaro (Italy)
Hauptsitz: Via Pesaro, 10A 61012 Gradara (PU) - Italy

Tel. +39 0541/979001 - Fax +39 0541/979050

USt-IdNr: IT01376450415 - Steuer ID: 02196600965 │ NutzungsbedingungenDatenschutzpolitik

Gesellschaft unterliegt der Leitungs- und Koordinationspflicht gemäß Art. 2497-bis c.c. von Bi.fin Srl mit Sitz in Pesaro, eingetragene Nr. 01235440417 Handelsregister-Nr